Compendium of Subcommittee Status
Section 7: Quality System Standards
The Quality System Standards/Training Working Group met independently, once in Kansas City and once in Chicago, to review various quality standards.
AAR M-1003, ANSI/ASQC, International Standards Organization, American Petroleum Institute and the Canadian Standard Association Z299.3 Standards were reviewed.
A final comparison was made between AAR M-1003, ASQC-Q91 & Q92, ISO 9002 and API. A summary of the study has been included as background information.
On October 12, 1989, a motion was made to accept the AAR M-1003 Quality System Standard. The motion carried and was Subsequently approved by the Subcommittee. On January 11, 1990, the approved version was revised to read as AAR M-1003 “Chapter 2, Quality Assurance Program Requirements.”