Appendix A
SGML Element Descriptions
Rail Industry Task Team
Electronic Parts Catalog Exchange Standard
Phase III Final
Glossary for ISM-RIF Electronic Parts Catalog Exchange Specification
- A
- Abbreviation. A grouping of an abbreviation (term) and its definition. Allowed within the abbreviation listing within the front matter of the catalog. Note that upon output, term and definition normally are laid out in tabular format, possibly separated by an automatically generated colon or hyphen.Attributes: N/A
- Abbreviation List Section. A portion of the Electronic Parts Catalog front matter that contains a collection of abbreviations and definitions.Attributes: N/A
Note: The abbreviation list section is separated from the introductory narrative text. Therefore, it may be numbered as a separate section or subsection. To ease in the process of revision and re-use, enumerations should be automatically generated at time of publishing and should not be included in the tagged file.
- Address. Captures the address of the Electronic Parts Catalog provider or part vendor as identified by Provider or Vendor Code.Attributes: N/A
Note: Address is block of text, aligned with it’s preceding provider or Vendor Code. The individual lines of the address must be separated with the line break (“break”) element.
- Associated Text. Textual information associated with a figure, parts list, or an individual part number. Associated Text can consist of various types of notes, warnings, cautions, and tables.Attributes: See %revatt;
- Attaching Parts. Identifies the group of part numbers within a parts list that are attaching to a part. An attaching part can also have sub-attaching parts.Attributes: N/A
Note: Display of an EPC must clearly indicate a part numbers identified as ‘attaching parts’.
- B
- Line Break. Used within the Catalog Title and Addresses.Attributes: N/A
Note: Text must be separated by a line break when a “break” tag is encountered.
- C
- Caution. Part of “ASSOCIATED-TEXT” associated with a figure, parts list, or an individual part number.Attributes: N/A
Note: Display of an EPC must clearly indicate CAUTION text.
- Chapter. Specifies a major division of the catalog. Within a Chapter, a specific effectivity can be captured. Chapters are further divided into Sections and may include a Chapter Table of Contents.Attributes: See %revatt;
Note: Upon EPC display, chapter numbers should be automatically generated.
- Column SpecificationAttributes:
<!ATTLIST colspec colnum NUMBER #IMPLIED colname NMTOKEN #IMPLIED align (left|right|center|justify|char) #IMPLIED charoff NUTOKEN #IMPLIED char CDATA #IMPLIED colwidth CDATA #IMPLIED colsep %yesorno; #IMPLIED rowsep %yesorno; #IMPLIED >
- Component Location Range. Effectivity information captured at the catalog, chapter, section, subsection, figure, graphic, parts list and part number levels. Attribute values capture the low and high numbers of the Component Location Range.Attributes:
low NUMBER #REQUIRED –low value of range– high NUMBER #REQUIRED –low value of range–
- D
- Definition. Used to indicate the definition of a term identified in the list of abbreviations.Attributes: N/A
- Definition Group. A grouping of term and its definition. Allowed within the definition listing within the front matter of the catalog. Note that upon output, term and definition normally are laid out in tabular format, possibly separated by an automatically generated colon or hyphen.Attributes: N/A
- Definition List Section. A portion of the Electronic Parts Catalog front matter that contains a collection of terms and definitions.Attributes: N/A
Note: The definition list section is separated from the introductory narrative text. Therefore, it may be numbered as a separate section or subsection. To ease in the process of revision and re-use, enumerations should be automatically generated at time of publishing and should not be included in the tagged file.
- Description. Within the parts list nomenclature column, “DESCRIPTION” modifies the “NOUN” with material type, size, etc.Attributes: N/A
- Document Number. A number assigned to the Electronic Parts Catalog.Attributes: N/A
- E
- Effectivity. Specific effectivity information captured for the catalog, chapter, section, subsection, figure, graphic, parts list, and part number levels. Effectivity information that can be identified is model name/number, serial range/number, equipment ID range/number, lot range/number and component location range. Alternatively, an effectivity reference code (“effect-ref”) can reference effectivity information that was defined in the Effectivity Cross Reference (“effect-xref”) element.Attributes: N/A
- Effectivity Code. The code assigned to an effectivtiy group defined in the Effectivity Cross Reference (“effect-xref”) element. Group is referenced using the EFFECT-CODE “ID” attribute value.Attributes: See %revattreq;
- Effectivity Cross Reference Data. An effectivity group (as defined in the Effectivity Cross Reference (“effect-xref”)) which can be referenced throughout the catalog. Effectivity information that can be grouped and identified (using the EFFECT-CODE “ID” attribute value) is model name/number, serial range/number, equipment ID range/number, lot range/number and component location range.Attributes: See %revatt;
- Effectivity Reference. Used to reference effectivity cross reference data (“EFFECT-DATA”) information defined in the “effect-xref” (Effectivity Cross Reference) element. EFFECT-REF “effect-code” attribute value must match ID value of “effect-code” element defined for “effect-xref”.Attributes: effect-code IDREF #REQUIRED
–Effectivity Code. To refer to pre-defined effectivity data (“effect-data”), value must equal ID value of “effect-code” element. —
- Effectivity Cross Reference. Identifies basic effectivity groups used in the catalog. An effectivity group is referenced using the ID value of the “effect-code” element.Attributes: N/A
- Emphasis. Start tag “turns on” emphasized (ex. “bold”) text. End tag “turns off” emphasized text. May be used within paragraphs and the Catalog title block. Attribute values identify type of emphasis. Allowable emphasis types are bold, italics, and underline. Default value is “bold”.Attributes: type (bold | italics | underline) “bold”
— Emphasis Type. —
- Table EntryAttributes:
id ID #IMPLIED colname NMTOKEN #IMPLIED namest NMTOKEN #IMPLIED nameend NMTOKEN #IMPLIED spanname NMTOKEN #IMPLIED morerows NUMBER '0' colsep %yesorno; #IMPLIED rowsep %yesorno #IMPLIED rotate %yesorno; '0' valign (top|middle|bottom) 'top' align (left|right|center|justify|char) #IMPLIED charoff NUTOKEN #IMPLIED char CDATA #IMPLIED
- Electronic Parts Catalog Figure Section. A grouping of a figure with its parts list.Attributes: N/A
- Electronic Parts Catalog General Information. Captures information pertinent to the entire electronic parts catalog.Attributes: N/A
- Mathematical Equation. Attribute values identify numerator and denominator values.Attributes: num NUMBER #REQUIRED –numerator–
den NUMBER #REQUIRED –denominator–
- Equipment Identification Number. Effectivity information captured at the catalog , chapter, section, subsection, figure, graphic, parts list, and part number levels.Attributes: N/A
- Equipment ID Number Range. Effectivity information captured at the catalog, chapter, section, subsection, figure, graphic, parts list, and part number levels. Attribute values capture the low and high numbers of the equipment ID number range.Attributes:
low NUMBER #REQUIRED --low value of range-- high NUMBER #REQUIRED --high value of range--
- F
- Figure. Groups the graphic image and any associated text.Attributes:
draw-nbr CDATA #IMPLIED --Drawing Number. -- seller-code CDATA #IMPLIED --Seller Code of Illustration. -- %revatt;
- Front matter. Identifies general data found at the beginning of the catalog. Consists of catalog indices, introductory text, effectivity information, list of vendors, and abbreviation list.Attributes: N/A
- Foot Note. Can be included in Reference text (“REF”) found in the parts list nomenclature, and in paragraph text.Attributes: ftnoteid ID #REQUIRED
–FootNote ID. The unique ID assigned to the footnote. Is cross referenced by a footnote reference (“ftnref”) by matching value “xrefid”.
- Foot Note Reference. Used when single “ftnote” is referenced more than once.Attributes: xrefid IDREF #REQUIRED
–Foot Note Cross Reference. When footnote text has been previously tagged (see “ftnote”), footnote can be cross referenced by matching the value of this attribute with “ftnoteid”.
- G
- General Note associated with a figure, parts list, or an individual part number.Attributes: See %revatt;
- Graphic. Place holder for image identified with attribute “filename”Attributes: draw-nbr CDATA #IMPLIED — Drawing Number. Can be implied from figure drawing number–
filename ENTITY #IMPLIED — File Name. —
sheet-nbr CDATA #IMPLIED — Sheet Number. The sequential number of a sheet within a graphic. —
foldout (yes | no) “no” — Foldout. Indicates whether graphic image is a foldout. —
- Graphic Reference. Attribute value “refid” references a graphic or hotspot’s attribute “ID” within the catalog.Attributes: refid IDREF #REQUIRED
–Reference ID. The ID of an element defined elsewhere in the document instance to which a reference is made.–
sheet-nbr CDATA #IMPLIED
–The Sheet Number of the graphic being referenced, if applicable. —
- H
- Hotspot. Indicates a ‘hotspot’ on the graphic.Attributes:
id ID #IMPLIED ref IDREF #REQUIRED refnum CDATA #IMPLIED graphic ENTITY #REQUIRED -- pointer to entity nameloc -- rx NUMBER "0" -- left endpoint -- ry NUMBER "0" -- top endpoint -- rh NUMBER "2048" -- maximum height -- rw NUMBER "2048" -- maximum width --
- I
- Index. Place holder for automatically generated Index. Attribute value identifies type of index (alpha or numeric).Attributes: type (alpha|numeric) #REQUIRED
–Type of Index. Indicates whether index is to be ordered as Alpha or Numeric.–
- Index Section. Identifies portion of the front matter that contains the catalog’s Index.Attributes: See %revatt;
- Introduction. Identifies introductory material concerning the entire catalog.Attributes: See %revatt;
- Item. An item of a numbered list.Attributes: N/A
- Item Group. Groups part number, effectivity, quantity, nomenclature, vendor part number, purchaser item number, supporting table, and associated text by item number.Attributes: item-nbr NUTOKEN #IMPLIED –Item number, if illustrated.–
index (yes | no) “yes” –index entry? Indicates whether part number associated with item group is to be included in a parts index.–
illus (illus | notillus) “illus” –illustrated? Indicates whether part number associated with item group is illustrated.–
- K
- Kit Group. Identifies and groups part numbers of a kit.Attributes: N/A
- L
- List of Illustrations. Place holder for automatically generated list of illustrations.Attributes: See %revatt;
- Lot Number. Effectivity information captured at the catalog , chapter, section, subsection, figure, graphic, parts list, and part number levels.Attributes: N/A
- Lot Range. Effectivity information captured at the catalog , chapter, section, subsection, figure, graphic, parts list, and part number levels. Attribute values capture the low and high numbers of the Lot number range.Attributes: N/A
- M
- Miscellaneous Text. Nomenclature information not provided by other dedicated elements.Attributes: N/A
- Model Name. Effectivity information captured at the catalog level, as well as chapter, section, subsection, figure, graphic, parts list, and part number.Attributes: N/A
- Model Number. Effectivity information captured at the catalog level, as well as chapter, section, subsection, figure, graphic, parts list, and part number.Attributes: N/A
- N
- Nomenclature Column. Consists of noun (ex. “Nut”), description (ex. “Hex, 1/12-13”), Misc. for other information to be captured, and cross references.Attributes: N/A
- Note. Associated with a figure, parts list, or an individual part number.Attributes: N/A
- Notice. Captures the notice text found on ‘cover’ of the electronic parts catalog.Attributes: type (superseded | destroy | copyright | other) #REQUIRED
–type of notice–
- Noun. Portion of the nomenclature column that is normally capitalized and possibly included in a parts index.Attributes: N/A
- Numbered List. A list of items numbered sequentially.Attributes: N/A
- P
- Paragraph. Identifies a block of text. It is a mix of #PCDATA and special text elements.Attributes: N/A
- Part Number of Part Catalog Provider.Attributes: type (na | nss| coml | standard) “standard” –Indicates whether part number is: Not Applicable (“na”), Not Sold Separately (“nss”), Commercial Item (“coml”), or a standard number (“standard”) for which the part number is provided as PCDATA. —
assem-lvl (0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 ) #REQUIRED — indent level captures assembly/subassembly level usually denoted with indent of the description within the part list. Higher level assembly part number can be captured via the higher-assem attribute —
higher-assem IDREF #IMPLIED — Higher Assembly. Allows for cross referencing part number to higher level assembly part number–
supp-table IDREF #IMPLIED — Supporting Table. Allows for cross referencing part number to table continuing supporting information. Specific table ‘row’ referenced using “supp-tbl-ent” —
supp-tbl-ent IDREF #IMPLIED — Supporting Table Entry. Allows for cross referencing part number to specific row in the supporting table
vendor-draw-nbr CDATA #IMPLIED — Vendor Drawing Number. Indicates the number of the original vendor drawing where part is illustrated. —
vendor-rev-draw-nbr CDATA #IMPLIED –Vendor Revision Drawing Number. Indicates the revision number of the original vendor drawing where part is illustrated. —
- Parts List. Identifies the listing of parts associated with a EPC Figure. Also groups any supporting tables and associated text.Attributes: fig-ref IDREF #IMPLIED
— Figure Reference. Allows for cross referencing parts list to figure.–
See %revatt;
- Telephone Number. The telephone number of the vendor identified by the Vendor code.Attributes: N/A
- Provider Code. A code assigned to identify the electronic parts catalog provider.Attributes: N/A
- Provider Information. Captures the name and address of the electronic parts catalog provider.Attributes: N/A
- Provider Name. Captures the name of the electronic parts catalog provider.Attributes: N/A
- Purchaser Item or Customer Item Number.Attributes: N/A
- Q
- Quantity. Unit of Measure captured using “um” attribute.Attributes: um CDATA #IMPLIED
— Unit of Measure–
- R
- Nomenclature Reference. Text found in the nomenclature column that references user to other portion of catalog or other document.Attributes: N/A
- External Reference. Identifies a reference to another catalog or other document type. The tag contains the ‘human readable’ text explaining the reference. The attributes provide the information to allow the system to resolve the reference.Attributes: refman CDATA #IMPLIED
–Referenced Manual. Identifies the manual code of the manual which contains the element pointed to by the reference (element REFEXT) to which this attribute applies. —
–Reference Location. Identifies the location of the reference in another manual as defined by REFMAN and REFTYPE. This attribute equates to the REFID of the REFINT element, but because an external ID reference may not be resolvable by the system it is not explicitly defined as an SGML ID.–
–Reference Supplier. Identifies the provider of the manual to which this reference applies.–
- Internal Reference. Attribute value “refid” references an element’s attribute “ID” within the catalog. The processing system must resolve the correct reference number.Attributes: reftype CDATA #IMPLIED
–Reference Type. Provides information on the purpose of the cross reference. The possible types of reference include: “ARD” (Additional Detail Reference): A lateral reference to other figures in the EPC displaying additional related details; “DBR” (Detail Breakdown Reference): A reference to a figure in the EPC containing a breakdown of the part number in the part number field; “ILR” (Illustration Reference): A reference to another figure in the EPC which displays related coverage. —
–Reference ID. The ID of an element defined elsewhere in the document instance to which a reference is made.–
- Revision End. Identifies the end of the revised text..Attributes: rev CDATA #IMPLIED
–revision number–
–revision date–
authority CDATA #IMPLIED
- Revision Start. Identifies that all data following the tag, until the tag REVEND is reached, is revised.Attributes: rev CDATA #IMPLIED
–revision number–
–revision date–
authority CDATA #IMPLIED
- Rail Industry Forum Electronic Parts Catalog. The top level element.Attributes: oidate NUMBER #REQUIRED
–original issue date–
–revision level–
–revision date–
- Table RowAttributes: rowsep %yesorno #IMPLIED
- S
- Safety Notes associated with a figure, parts list, or an individual part number.Attributes: See %revatt;
- Section. A section within an EPC Chapter.Attributes: See %revatt;
- Serial Number. Effectivity information captured at the catalog , chapter, section, subsection, figure, graphic, parts list, and part number levels.Attributes: N/A
- Serial Number Range. Effectivity information captured at the catalog , chapter, section, subsection, figure, graphic, parts list, and part number levels. Attribute values capture the low and high numbers of the serial range.Attributes: low NUMBER #REQUIRED
–low value of range–
–high value of range–
- Span Specification.Attributes: namest NMTOKEN #REQUIRED
align (left|right|center|justify|char) ‘center’
colsep %yesorno; #IMPLIED
rowsep %yesorno; #IMPLIED
- Sub Attachment. Identifies the group of part numbers that are attaching parts to an attaching part.Attributes: N/A
- Sub Item Group. Groups part number, effectivity, quantity, nomenclature, vendor part number, purchaser item number, supporting table, and associated text by item number.Attributes: item-nbr NUTOKEN #IMPLIED
–Item number, if illustrated.–
index (yes | no) “yes”
–index entry? Indicates whether part number associated with sub-item group is to be included in a parts index.–
illus (illus | notillus) “illus”
–illustrated? Indicates whether part number associated with sub-item group is illustrated.–
- Subject. Captures the subject of the electronic parts catalogAttributes: N/A
- Subsection. A subsection within an EPC Section.Attributes: See %revatt;
- Subtopic. Identifies the second level numbered paragraphs within the Introductory Section.Attributes: See %revatt;
- Supporting Table. A table containing information necessary to select an appropriate part number identified in the parts-list. Attribute values “parts-list-ref” and “item-ref” can provide linking back to parts list and individual item number.Attributes:
frame (top|bottom|topbot|all |sides|none) #IMPLIED
colsep %yesorno; #IMPLIED
rowsep %yesorno; #IMPLIED
orient (port|land) #IMPLIED
pgwide %yesorno; #IMPLIED
— Item Number Reference. Allows for cross referencing the support table to the item-group within a parts list.–
parts-list-ref IDREF
— Parts List Reference. Allows for cross referencing the support table to the parts list.–
- T
- Table.Attributes: frame (top|bottom|topbot|all |sides|none) #IMPLIED colsep %yesorno; #IMPLIED rowsep %yesorno; #IMPLIED orient (port|land) #IMPLIED pgwide %yesorno; #IMPLIED
- Table body.Attributes: valign (top|middle|bottom) ‘top’
- Term.Attributes: N/A
- Table Foot.Attributes: valign (top|middle|bottom) ‘top’
- Table Group.Attributes: cols NUMBER #REQUIRED
colsep %yesorno; #IMPLIED
rowsep %yesorno; #IMPLIED
align (left|right|center|justify|char) ‘left’
charoff NUTOKEN ’50’
char CDATA ”
- Table Head.Attributes: valign (top|middle|bottom) ‘bottom’
- Title.Attributes: N/A
- Title Block. Captures the title of the electronic parts catalog.Attributes: N/A
- Table of Contents. Place holder for automatically generated table of contents.Attributes: N/A
- Table of Contents Section. Identifies portion of the front matter that contain the catalog’s Table of Contents.Attributes: See %revatt;
- Topic. Identifies the first level numbered paragraphs within the Introductory Section.Attributes: See %revatt;
- U
- Unnumbered List. A list of unnumbered (e.g. ‘bulleted’) items.Attributes: N/A
- Item. An item of an unnumbered list.Attributes: N/A
- V
- Vendor Code. A code assigned to identify the vendor of the part. Used in the parts list to indicate vendor of a specific part as well as within the vendor list (see “vendor-list”) to identify vendor by name, address, and phone number.Attributes: N/A
- Vendor Data. Groups entries within the Vendor List.Attributes: N/A
- Vendor List. Lists and groups the Vendor code, name, address and telephone number.Attributes: N/A
- Vendor Name. The name of the vendor identified by the Vendor code.Attributes: N/A
- Vendor Part Number.Attributes: vendor-code IDREF #REQUIRED
— Vendor Code ID Reference. Used to link vendor identified in the vendor list with the vendor part number. —
vendor-draw-nbr CDATA #IMPLIED
— Vendor Drawing Number. Indicates the number of the original vendor drawing where part is illustrated.–
eom %yesorno; #IMPLIED
— Original Equipment Manufacturer? Indicates whether the provider of the part number is an OEM.–
- Volume Number. Captures the volume number of the electronic parts catalog.Attributes: N/A
- W
- Warning. associated with a figure, parts list, or an individual part number.Attributes: N/A
- chg (N|R|U|D) #IMPLIEDChange Reason. Indicates the reason for revision for the element to which this attribute applies. Note: Change values do not propagate up through the Document Instance. The following codes apply: N = New, R = Revised, D = Deleted, U = Unchanged.
Identifier. A unique (to that document instance) identifier for the element. Allows unambiguous cross referencing between elements by matching one element’s “IDREF” source value with another element’s “ID” target value.
Revision Level. Indicates revision level for particular element.
Revision Date. Day, month, year of the revision date associated with the element to which this attribute applies. Gives the date when the element was last revised.